Healthy horses are safe on horse safe pastures.
Pastures such as timothy and orchard grass and even native fascue. Heavliy fertilized rye pasture and too much clover isn’t a safe pasture. A healthy horse can handle small amounts of rye and clover but it shouldn’t be the main diet of pasture. You can’t put your horses out on lush cow or sheep pastures. These pastures are not for horses.
Horses with metabolic issues are not healthy horses.
Their diet must be monitered and medications are needed in some cases. They must have a strict low NSC diet.
If your horse has hoof issues and is not metabolic it’s the trim.
A healthy hoof can get laminits from the hooves not been trimmed correctly. Over trimming, removel of sole depth and heel, too long between trims can all cause laminits.
Blood work is how you know if your horse is metabolic. Never pull your horse off pasture and blame pasture for laminits if the blood work doesn’t confirm. Many trimmers don’t know how to trim and create laminitis and blame the pasture. Their inability to understand the hoof creates a sad isolated life for a horse. Horses need to gallop, eat, nap and play in a herd. Use science and blood work to know what’s going on with your horse. Don’t rely on the words of a trimmer that are causing your issues.